(Upcoming, paper accepted)
Rethinking the Inevitability of AI: The Environmental and Social Impacts of Computing in Historical Context, online conference hosted by the University of Virginia
Annual meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S)
Paper: “Challenging corporate power through ‘Right to Repair'”
Panel: “Ecological crises and the role of technologies: harm, violence, and the quest for accountabilities” (co-organized with Fieke Jansen, Becky Kazansky, and Jenna Ruddock)
Conference of the Union for Democratic Communication
Paper: “AI systems and the environment: challenging solutionism, creating alternatives”
Association of Internet Researchers’ (AoIR) annual conference
Paper: “Tackling the environmental footprint of digital technologies through a ‘Right to Repair’?”
Panel: “Digital Infrastructures and Environmental Justice: Policies, Practices, and Visions” (co-organized with Sophie Toupin)
“Situated Solar Relations” symposium, Concordia University (co-organizer and speaker)
Open Hardware Summit, demo table
Annual meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S)
Paper: “What’s behind ‘green’ computing? Re-imagining and co-creating digital infrastructures”
Dialogues in Data Power conference
Paper: “Activist ecosystems vs AI ecosystems”, co-authored with Alessandra Renzi
DIY Methods conference
Zine titled “Salvaging”, co-authored and co-produced with lee wilkins
Media Rurality Colloquium, McGill University (respondent)
Annual conference of the Canadian Communication Association (CCA)
Paper: “A New Northern Frontier? Renewable-powered Data Operations in Arctic Norway”
Annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA)
Paper: “Memes, Scenes and #ELXN2019s: How Partisans Make Memes During Elections”, co-authored with Fenwick McKelvey and Scott DeJong